18 Avr

Our week at l’Institution Jean-Paul II

Nous avons accueilli, du 28 mars au 1er avril, Jacob et Adam, élèves à Oakhill College, un de nos établissements partenaires en Angleterre. Ils ont passé la semaine à découvrir notre Institution et la culture française en famille. Ils ont suivi certains cours avec leurs correspondants, Clémence et Tom en Première S3 et S4, et ont été accueillis par les élèves de Sixième et de Cinquième 2, de Troisième 5 et de Seconde 3. Ils ont également passé deux après-midi à l’École primaire où les plus jeunes ont pu leur poser des questions en anglais.


Nous envoyons à la fin du mois trois élèves de Seconde Euro, Léna, Maëlig et Sophie, à Oakhill. Leur correspondantes nous rendront visite au cours de l’année scolaire prochaine.


Amanda ROMAN, Professeur d’Anglais


Our Week at l’Institution Jean-Paul II


Our first impressions of the school


At first we thought that the school was very big. We were shown around by Madame Roman. Madame Laquerrière (la responsablede vie scolaire) told us some facts about the school, for example the school has children from the age of 3 to the age of 20, there are around 1300 pupils in the school, which makes it much bigger than ours where there are only about 15 people per class and there is only one class per year. The canteen cards were also a big surprise to us because we don’t have them in our school.


Lessons and lunchtime


 In our first lesson we were quite nervous but we found out that the pupils are very friendly and kind towards new people. We were very surprised by the level of English that the pupils spoke.


Even the children in the nursery school were very good at English for their age. They asked a lot of questions in the playground and we were surprised at the confidence they have. We also noticed that the year tens (3ème)  seemed to concentrate all the time in class.


Adam was surprised at how small the dining hall is for the number of pupils who eat  there, and also that the food was warm as in England some schools don’t have warm meals.


Time to say goodbye…


We thought that everyone we met was very pleasant and kind towards us which was nice. Also we thought that the level of English was very high for each and every pupil for their age and it made us realise how important being able to speak a foreign language is, whether it’s just to help you to discover other countries or to help you find a job.  We saw that the school puts a lot of effort in helping to maintain the pupils’ high level of English. 


Finally we would like to thank our French families for having us and teaching us a lot about the French culture.


Adam and Jacob