31 Déc

Christmas has come early in 2nde 3…

Seconde3 dec17 01The pupils in 2nde 3 have had an intense couple of weeks with tests and final tasks in all their subjects, so we decided to spend some time celebrating Christmas together, to remember that school is not just about work, but it’s also about also the friendships we make and the times we spend having fun together.

To brighten up the classroom, the class clubbed together to buy a Christmas tree, with each pupil contributing a few cents and bringing something to decorate it.

We also organised a ‘Secret Santa’ . Each pupil had to offer an anonymous gift of no more than 5 euros to another pupil. Chocolates and sweets were a popular choice, but some of the gifts showed that the pupils had really taken the time to choose something personal that would be truly appreciated.

The Christmas karaoké was a resounding – if short-lived – success, but the highlight of the week was certainly the class trip to the laser game on Monday. As the photos show, they had a lot of fun… !

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all !

Amanda ROMAN, Professeur

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